COMBATTING coronavirus:

As the United States continues to grapple with the Coronavirus outbreak, Will believes that the country needs Congressional leaders that always put people over politics. For too long, partisan directives have slashed funding for vital public health programs designed to prevent and combat epidemics like Coronavirus. This dereliction of duty left our communities vulnerable, and our states unprepared in the face of a pandemic.

Now, more than ever, the American people need leaders that believe in science, that understand the importance of prioritizing robust funding for public health initiatives, and can provide a clear path forward during a national crisis. Will’s plan to protect our communities includes:  

  • Supporting Small Businesses - As the federal government provides $500 billion in funding to large corporations to produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), small businesses suffer. In order to ensure small businesses stay solvent during the Coronavirus crisis, Will believes that we should do more to ensure that small businesses can successfully compete in the market for PPE production. Small businesses in the U.S. with local manufacturing capabilities, a geographically short supply chain, and the ability to pivot, should receive grant funding from the federal government to pivot production to produce pre-paid, upfront, and ongoing orders of PPE. This action will short-circuit massive corporate supply chains, allow for small businesses to remain open, and expedite much needed PPE for local and state healthcare workers.

  • Opening A Special Enrollment Period for Health Insurance - In order to ensure every American has access to an affordable health insurance plan, Will believes the federal government should open a Special Enrollment Period during the Coronavirus outbreak. This would provide currently uninsured Americans with the ability to enroll in a health insurance plan, while also allowing those who are eligible for COBRA due to insurance loss from unemployment to continue receiving subsidies. Healthcare is a human right, and during a national pandemic it is imperative that the government does everything in its power to ensure all who need health insurance are able to receive it.   

  • Holding Corporations Accountable: Publicly traded corporations that receive government loans during the Coronavirus outbreak must be barred from granting corporate bonuses, or executive stock options for either a period of five years, or until all federal loans are paid off. On average, the top five CEOs of major corporations receive yearly stock options and bonuses of over $100 million dollars. We should not reward moral hazard in this country, and Will believes that the government must do more to ensure that all corporations that receive federal funding are held accountable in how they spend it.

  • Increased Funding for Vital Public Health Programs: Bill Gates said it best – the United States, like the rest of the world, was not prepared for the Coronavirus outbreak. The best way to combat pandemics is to prepare for them, and Will believes the federal government should prioritize providing robust funding for vital public health programs and federal agencies that research, prepare for, and prevent global epidemics. Thousands of preventable deaths occur each year simply because nations are underprepared to respond to disease outbreaks. Frankly, this is a global failure. We must do more to ensure America, as well as our partners abroad, are prepared to respond to every epidemic. By investing in medical equipment, vaccine research, and using data to predict the next epidemic – America will not only be better prepared for a future outbreak, but we will help save countless lives across the globe.