The Issues:



Healthcare is a human right - and Will is dedicated to fighting to guarantee that every New Jerseyan has access to quality health care. From protecting those with preexisting conditions, to ensuring our Senior Citizens have access to robust Medicare and Social Security benefits - Will is committed to fixing our broken healthcare system. This means fighting to reduce healthcare costs, ensuring every American has an insurance plan they can afford, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, combating the opioid epidemic, and demanding transparency and oversight for healthcare and insurance providers.


INFRASTRUCTURE & transportation:

The 8th District is home to some of New Jersey’s most vital infrastructure – the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels, the Port Authority PATH Train, New Jersey Transit, numerous interstate highways, three major sea ports, as well as railroad and vehicular bridges. For too long, these pieces of vital infrastructure have been underfunded by the federal government, and as a result, commuters and industries that rely on our roads, bridges, ports, and rail lines have suffered. As a daily commuter into New York City via the PATH train, Will understands firsthand the importance of preserving and expanding both our infrastructure and transportation capabilities. A strong advocate for the Gateway Project and Portal Bridge replacement, Will is committed to ensuring New Jersey receives robust funding from the federal government to update our crumbling infrastructure, expand rail capacity, and protect our tunnels, bridges, and rail lines from the environmental impacts of storms like Hurricane Sandy.


U.S. Relations with israel:

During his time as a Midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy, Will was selected for a summer-long fellowship in Israel with the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs. There, Will witnessed firsthand the importance of a strong relationship between the United States and Israel in order to ensure American security in the Middle East and abroad. A strong supporter of expanding bilateral cooperation efforts to address military and nonmilitary challenges in the region, Will is an advocate for the United States to provide military financing to the state of Israel, as well as the transfer of precision-guided munitions. Additionally, Will promises to stand firmly with the State of Israel in denouncing the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which is inherently discriminatory, undermines prospects for peace, and damages U.S. interests in the region. Will is also dedicated to working closely with federal and state partners to ensure that acts of hatred and anti-Semitism have no place in New Jersey. A strong supporter of the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, Will is dedicated to ensuring the federal government appropriates $360 million in grant funding for religious institutions and community centers to obtain necessary security upgrades to better protect congregants and staff from terrorist attacks.


Women account for more than half of the total population, however, only comprise 23% of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. This disparity in representation is one of the primary reasons why our nation still struggles to achieve gender equality. Women are the backbone of our society and the bedrock of future generations, and while progress has been made to uplift all women across our country, there is still so much work left to do. Will understands that until women account for more than 51% of Congress, male leaders need to step up and advocate for their female counterparts. A staunch supporter of equal pay for equal work, robust access to reproductive healthcare, and a woman’s right to choose, Will believes it is the federal government’s job to uplift women – not suppress them. In order to empower and support women, Will is a relentless advocate for increasing access to educational opportunities. Providing every woman, from every race, and every socioeconomic background with a quality education creates a talent pipeline that sets women up to excel in leadership roles – from corporate boardrooms to the halls of Congress. In order to accomplish this, Will plans to create a federal program similar to Pell Grants that provides scholarship subsidies for women entering into STEM fields, as well as working mothers seeking upward mobility through educational opportunities.


The U.S.S. Pueblo is the only commissioned Naval Ship that is currently being held captive by a foreign government. Used as a point of global propaganda by the North Korean authoritarian regime, its capture is a stain on the United States’ blanket of freedom. On January 23rd 1968, the U.S.S Pueblo was attacked and intercepted by North Korean forces while serving in international waters. With capture inevitable, the crew attempted to escape, but were unsuccessful after North Korean forces opened fire, wounding many. Held captive and tortured for 11 months, the 82 crew members eventually walked one by one across the “Bridge of No Return” at Panmunjom to freedom. Will vehemently supports the deployment of a SEAL Team into North Korea, under Operation Haymaker, to blow up and decommission the once mighty Naval platform, pounding the U.S.S. Pueblo into the ocean floor.